Monday, April 15, 2013

马来西亚5月5日全国选举2013 May 5 Malaysia's General Election 2013

English Version is below.

1) 欲查5月5日大选成绩,请点这里
2) 详谈 马来西亚5月5日2013大选 民联为何会输?Why Pakatan Rakyat loses the 13th General Election 5/5/2013?  请点这里
“ 马来西亚将于5月5日(星期日)举行新议会选举2013。据媒体报道,马来西亚全国选举委员会周三(4月10日)公布了这一投票日期。竞选人名单于本月20日公布。马来西亚有1300多万选民。观察家预计,此次大选将是纳吉布(Najib Razak)领导的执政联盟“全国阵线” 和反对派政治家安瓦尔(Anwar Ibrahim)领导的竞选联盟 “人民联盟” 之间迄今结果最难逆料的竞争。在2008年3月举行的上次大选中,反对派得以打破执政联盟的三分之二多数地位。”






[转自:Astro AEC 新闻报报看]


不过给我说,我第一个要投诉的就是大马警察,身为警察的怎么可以那么懒,连车祸的 “报案” 都给省了,直接说一出就出牛肉干(Saman) 给对方车主还个RM300,很聪明下,那RM300 最终还不是归你们政府口袋的嘛!关我什么事,还敢给我说因为警察局太多东西做,工作量太负荷,我的天,试问下你们有做过什么东西吗?!昧着良心说大话!别人刮花我的车,我还要去到千里迢迢的警察局,结果去到警局,看到一班警察在里面聊天,让我们等了好久才让我们进去晋见,你以为你是皇帝啊!那么拽!简直影衰塞!警察靠得住,XX 都上树了这!我们现在的状况就是 “有警察就如没警察”。。。。


所以这就是为什么在马来西亚看不到有绅士的原因。不是我们不要充当绅士,有哪个愿意当坏人啊?但就是因为大马效率如此糟糕,我们能不争吗?在这么个紧要关头,什么gentleman都是假的~ 你要gentleman?哈哈,就等着半夜回家咯!



Alamak,最后还是忍不住口,果然变成投诉贴了。。。。。但是我这种年龄,对警察和交通就是这么地介意,这么地Beh Tahan啊!!!

连本地艺人苗苗 林静苗都不惜任何代价要回国投票,致敬!而你呢?准备好了吗?
“如果可以check in我tmd立刻就做,虽然当天我在brunei拍电影,可是我现在就立刻自作主张买好机票,反正我就是要回来,大不了我装病哈哈,再贵都买,5月5,换政府,我唯一能做的就是买好机票,海外的你们买了吗????” --- 苗苗

Malaysia's General Election is to be held on May 5 with campaigning to begin April 20.The constitutional parliamentary term in Malaysia is five years. According to news media, there are around one million three hundred thousand voters this year. The incumbent Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition was returned in the 2008 general elections with 140 seats, giving it its worst result since the 1969 elections. The opposition Pakatan Rakyat coalition won 82 seats, thereby denying the BN its two-thirds majority which is required to pass amendments to the Federal Constitution. Pakatan Rakyat also gained five of the 13 state assemblies (has since lost one state assembly-Perak to BN due to defection) and 10 of the 11 parliamentary seats in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. That was the first major setback of the BN since the 1969 general elections.

However, it is hard to predict the results for the election this year, it must be the fierce battle between two giants.

Be alert! 【Malaysian Election: Hold the manicure before 5th of May】
Please sacrifice getting that manicure before going to the ballot box. The Election Commission (EC) has told voters not to get their nails done before polling day, as their fingernail will be stained with the indelible ink.

"It is simply unavoidable. So, I would advise against getting that RM200 manicure this election period, as you won't be able to rub the ink off your nail polish," said EC deputy chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar. "Besides, voters should be proud to wear a mark on their finger showing that they have exercised their democratic right to vote."

He added that the indelible ink would be in two colours, which would be kept a secret until polling day. Wan Ahmad said that getting their finger stained with the ink was a must for every voter, to ensure no double-voting during GE13. He said the ink could not be rubbed off using any substance, including nail polish remover, and that it would remain on a finger for up to five days. The ink used for advance voting, he said, would only fade off after about 10 days.

According to the EC guidebook on the voting process, the ink would be applied starting from the first joint of the left index finger, up to the tip of the fingernail. The guidebook said individuals like amputees, who were unable to have their left index finger marked with the ink, would be marked on other fingers or other visible parts of their arms.

Wan Ahmad added that the ink had been tested and approved by the Health Ministry as safe to use, and should not cause any allergic reactions. Having caught the election fever and being excited about her first voting experience, Lim Sue Yin had her nails painted with different political party flags, and left her left index finger "naked" in preparation of it being marked with the indelible ink. She even had a "trial run" with a marked finger, using black nail polish.

The 26-year-old writer, who goes for a manicure once a month, said it was to show her support for the coming GE13 and also for the country. "I don't mind walking around for a few days with a finger painted with the ink. I would be proud to show that I have exercised my right to vote," she said.
Another first-time voter May Salitah Naru Kiob, 25, said she does not mind getting ink over her manicured nails, as long as they "paint nicely".

"I support the usage of the indelible ink as it shows that the EC is taking constructive measures to ensure a clean elections," said the marketing executive, who goes for a manicure twice a month.
[Retrieved from: The Star]

Anyway, every voter is responsible to vote for the right choice! If everyone refusing to vote, that means you don't love Malaysia, where you were born. I love Malaysia, the thing that made it worse is our Malaysian government, not Malaysia! The sad news is that foreign labors/ workers might can vote as they have Malaysian Identification Card (IC). No!!!!!!

We should learn the spirit from Malaysian actor miau miau Ching Miau Lim, persists to come back from overseas even though has job in Brunei! Salute!!
How about you? Are you ready to vote? Nation Future depends on your Choice! Let's protect our country!
Not sure about the general election (voting) process? Then must have a look at pictures below!
Voter's Guide for Election 2013 & Voting Tips

1. Do not wear any nail varnish or polish.
2. Be VERY CAREFUL not to stain your ballot sheet. Check for stains or any sign of it being tampered with. It's your right to ask for a new one.
3. Make sure they stamp your ballot sheet AFTER and not before TEARING it.
4. Do not stain your ballot sheet. Bring your own tissue.